Installing a Vite or Rollup plugin
यह कंटेंट अभी तक आपकी भाषा में उपलब्ध नहीं है।
Astro builds on top of Vite, and supports both Vite and Rollup plugins. This recipe uses a Rollup plugin to add the ability to import a YAML (.yml
) file in Astro.
Section titled Recipe-
:Terminal window npm install @rollup/plugin-yaml --save-devTerminal window pnpm add @rollup/plugin-yaml --save-devTerminal window yarn add @rollup/plugin-yaml --dev -
Import the plugin in your
and add it to the Vite plugins array:astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';import yaml from '@rollup/plugin-yaml';export default defineConfig({vite: {plugins: [yaml()]}}); -
Finally, you can import YAML data using an
statement:import yml from './data.yml';While you can now import YAML data in your Astro project, your editor will not provide types for the imported data. To add types, create or find an existing
file in thesrc
directory of your project and add the following:src/files.d.ts // Specify the file extension you want to importdeclare module "*.yml" {const value: any; // Add type definitions here if desiredexport default value;}This will allow your editor to provide type hints for your YAML data.