इसे छोड़कर कंटेंट पर जाएं

Experimental client prerendering

यह कंटेंट अभी तक आपकी भाषा में उपलब्ध नहीं है।

Type: boolean
Default: false

जोड़ा गया: astro@4.2.0

Enables pre-rendering your prefetched pages on the client in supported browsers.

This feature uses the experimental Speculation Rules Web API and enhances the default prefetch behavior globally to prerender links on the client. You may wish to review the possible risks when prerendering on the client before enabling this feature.

Enable client side prerendering in your astro.config.mjs along with any desired prefetch configuration options:

prefetch: {
prefetchAll: true,
defaultStrategy: 'viewport',
experimental: {
clientPrerender: true,

Continue to use the data-astro-prefetch attribute on any <a /> link on your site to opt in to prefetching. Instead of appending a <link> tag to the head of the document or fetching the page with JavaScript, a <script> tag will be appended with the corresponding speculation rules.

Client side prerendering requires browser support. If the Speculation Rules API is not supported, prefetch will fallback to the supported strategy.

See the Prefetch Guide for more prefetch options and usage.

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