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Programmatic Astro API (experimental)

Ta treść nie jest jeszcze dostępna w Twoim języku.

If you need more control when running Astro, the "astro" package exports APIs to programmatically run the CLI commands.

These APIs are experimental and their API signature may change. Any updates will be mentioned in the Astro changelog and the information below will always show the current, up-to-date information.

The AstroInlineConfig type is used by all of the command APIs below. It extends from the user Astro config type:

interface AstroInlineConfig extends AstroUserConfig {
configFile?: string | false;
mode?: string;
logLevel?: "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "silent";

Type: string | false
Default: undefined

A custom path to the Astro config file.

If this value is undefined (default) or unset, Astro will search for an astro.config.(js,mjs,ts,mts) file relative to the root and load the config file if found.

If a relative path is set, it will resolve based on the root option.

Set to false to disable loading any config files.

The inline config passed in this object will take highest priority when merging with the loaded user config.

Type: string
Default: "development" when running astro dev, "production" when running astro build

Dodane w: astro@5.0.0

The mode used when developing or building your site (e.g. "production", "testing").

This value is passed to Vite using the --mode flag when the astro build or astro dev commands are run to determine the value of import.meta.env.MODE. This also determines which .env files are loaded, and therefore the values of astro:env. See the environment variables page for more details.

To output a development-based build, you can run astro build with the --devOutput flag.

Type: "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "silent"
Default: "info"

The logging level to filter messages logged by Astro.

  • "debug": Log everything, including noisy debugging diagnostics.
  • "info": Log informational messages, warnings, and errors.
  • "warn": Log warnings and errors.
  • "error": Log errors only.
  • "silent": No logging.

Type: (inlineConfig: AstroInlineConfig) => Promise<DevServer>

Similar to astro dev, it runs Astro’s development server.

import { dev } from "astro";
const devServer = await dev({
root: "./my-project",
// Stop the server if needed
await devServer.stop();
export interface DevServer {
address: AddressInfo;
handle: (req: http.IncomingMessage, res: http.ServerResponse<http.IncomingMessage>) => void;
watcher: vite.FSWatcher;
stop(): Promise<void>;

Type: AddressInfo

The address the dev server is listening on.

This property contains the value returned by Node’s net.Server#address() method.

Type: (req: http.IncomingMessage, res: http.ServerResponse<http.IncomingMessage>) => void

A handle for raw Node HTTP requests. You can call handle() with an http.IncomingMessage and an http.ServerResponse instead of sending a request through the network.

Type: vite.FSWatcher

The Chokidar file watcher as exposed by Vite’s development server.

Type: Promise<void>

Stops the development server. This closes all idle connections and stops listening for new connections.

Returns a Promise that resolves once all pending requests have been fulfilled and all idle connections have been closed.

Type: (inlineConfig: AstroInlineConfig, options?: BuildOptions) => Promise<void>

Similar to astro build, it builds your site for deployment.

import { build } from "astro";
await build({
root: "./my-project",
export interface BuildOptions {
devOutput?: boolean;
teardownCompiler?: boolean;

Type: boolean
Default: false

Dodane w: astro@5.4.0 Nowe

Output a development-based build similar to code transformed in astro dev. This can be useful to test build-only issues with additional debugging information included.

Type: boolean
Default: true

Dodane w: astro@5.4.0 Nowe

Teardown the compiler WASM instance after build. This can improve performance when building once but may cause a performance hit if building multiple times in a row.

When building multiple projects in the same execution (e.g. during tests), disabling this option can greatly increase performance and reduce peak memory usage at the cost of higher sustained memory usage.

Type: (inlineConfig: AstroInlineConfig) => Promise<PreviewServer>

Similar to astro preview, it starts a local server to serve your build output.

If no adapter is set in the configuration, the preview server will only serve the built static files. If an adapter is set in the configuration, the preview server is provided by the adapter. Adapters are not required to provide a preview server, so this feature may not be available depending on your adapter of choice.

import { preview } from "astro";
const previewServer = await preview({
root: "./my-project",
// Stop the server if needed
await previewServer.stop();
export interface PreviewServer {
host?: string;
port: number;
closed(): Promise<void>;
stop(): Promise<void>;

Type: string

The host where the server is listening for connections.

Adapters are allowed to leave this field unset. The value of host is implementation-specific.

Type: number

The port where the server is listening for connections.

Type: Promise<void>

Asks the preview server to close, stop accepting requests, and drop idle connections.

The returned Promise resolves when the close request has been sent. This does not mean that the server has closed yet. Use the closed() method if you need to ensure the server has fully closed.

Type: Promise<void>

Returns a Promise that will resolve once the server is closed and reject if an error happens on the server.

Type: (inlineConfig: AstroInlineConfig) => Promise<void>

Similar to astro sync, it generates TypeScript types for all Astro modules.

import { sync } from "astro";
await sync({
root: "./my-project",

Type: <T extends AstroConfig | AstroInlineConfig>(config: T, overrides: DeepPartial<T>) => T

Dodane w: astro@5.4.0 Nowe

Imported from astro/config, merges a partial Astro configuration on top of an existing, valid, Astro configuration.

mergeConfig() accepts an Astro config object and a partial config (any set of valid Astro config options), and returns a valid Astro config combining both values such that:

  • Arrays are concatenated (including integrations and remark plugins).
  • Objects are merged recursively.
  • Vite options are merged using Vite’s own mergeConfig function with the default isRoot flag.
  • Options that can be provided as functions are wrapped into new functions that recursively merge the return values from both configurations with these same rules.
  • All other options override the existing config.
import { mergeConfig } from "astro/config";
output: 'static',
site: '',
integrations: [tailwind()],
server: ({command}) => ({
port: command === 'dev' ? 4321 : 1234,
build: {
client: './custom-client',
output: 'server',
base: '/astro',
integrations: [mdx()],
server: ({command}) => ({
host: command === 'dev' ? 'localhost' : 'site.localhost',
build: {
server: './custom-server',
// Result is equivalent to:
output: 'server',
site: '',
base: '/astro',
integrations: [tailwind(), mdx()],
server: ({command}) => ({
port: command === 'dev' ? 4321 : 1234,
host: command === 'dev' ? 'localhost' : 'site.localhost',
build: {
client: './custom-client',
server: './custom-server',

Type: (userConfig: any, root: string, cmd: string): Promise<AstroConfig>

Dodane w: astro@5.4.0 Nowe

Imported from astro/config, validates an object as if it was exported from astro.config.mjs and imported by Astro.

It takes the following arguments:

  • The configuration to be validated.
  • The root directory of the project.
  • The Astro command that is being executed (build, dev, sync, etc.)

The returned promise resolves to the validated configuration, filled with all default values appropriate for the given Astro command.

import { validateConfig } from "astro/config";
const config = await validateConfig({
integrations: [tailwind()],
}, "./my-project", "build");
// defaults are applied
await rm(config.outDir, { recursive: true, force: true });
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