Deploy your Astro Site to Azion
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You can deploy your Astro project on Azion, a platform for frontend developers to collaborate and deploy static (JAMstack) and SSR websites.
Section titled PrerequisitesTo get started, you will need:
- An Azion account. If you don’t have one, you can sign up for a free account.
- Your app code stored in a GitHub repository.
- Azion CLI installed for faster project setup and deployment.
How to Deploy through Azion Console Dashboard
Section titled How to Deploy through Azion Console DashboardTo start building, follow these steps:
- Access Azion Console.
- On the homepage, click the + Create button.
- This opens a modal with the options to create new applications and resources.
- Select the Import from GitHub option and click the card.
- This action opens the settings page.
- Connect your Azion account with GitHub.
- A pop-up window will appear asking for authorization.
- Select the repository you want to import from GitHub.
- Configure the build settings:
- Framework preset: Select the appropriate framework (e.g.,
). - Root Directory: This refers to the directory in which your code is located. Your code must be located at the root directory, not a subdirectory. A ./ symbol appears in this field, indicating it’s a root directory.
- Install Command: the command that compiles your settings to build for production. Build commands are executed through scripts. For example: npm run build or npm install for an NPM package.
- Framework preset: Select the appropriate framework (e.g.,
- Click Save and Deploy.
- Monitor the deployment using Azion Real-Time Metrics and verify your site is live on the edge.
How to Deploy a Static Site Using the Azion CLI
Section titled How to Deploy a Static Site Using the Azion CLI-
Install the Azion CLI:
- Download and install the Azion CLI for easier management and deployment.
The Azion CLI does not currently support native Windows environments. However, you can use it on Windows through the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Follow the WSL installation guide to set up a Linux environment on your Windows machine.
Authenticate the CLI:
- Run the following command to authenticate your CLI with your Azion account.
Terminal window azion login -
Set Up Your Application:
- Use the following commands to initialize and configure your project:
Terminal window azion init -
Build Your Astro Project:
- Run your build command locally:
Terminal window azion build -
Deploy Your Static Files:
- Deploy your static files using the Azion CLI:
Terminal window azion deploy
This guide provides an overview of deploying static applications.
Enabling Local Development Using Azion CLI
Section titled Enabling Local Development Using Azion CLIFor the preview to work, you must execute the following command:
azion dev
Once you’ve initialized the local development server, the application goes through the build
Building your Edge Application. This process may take a few minutesRunning build step command:...
Then, when the build is complete, the access to the application is prompted:
[Azion Bundler] [Server] › ✔ success Function running on port http://localhost:3000
Section titled TroubleshootingNode.js runtime APIs
Section titled Node.js runtime APIsA project using an NPM package fails to build with an error message such as [Error] Could not resolve "XXXX. The package "XXXX" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node.
This means that a package or import you are using is not compatible with Azion’s runtime APIs.
If you are directly importing a Node.js runtime API, please refer to the Azion Node.js compatibility for further steps on how to resolve this.
If you are importing a package that imports a Node.js runtime API, check with the author of the package to see if they support the node:*
import syntax. If they do not, you may need to find an alternative package.